If you’re like me, you want to simplify your life. We have busy schedules, complex relationships, never-ending task lists, and financial data scattered all over the place. I might not be able to help you simplify your schedule, but I think you’ll love the new tool we just made available to you for free. It will simplify your finances and give you clarity of your overall financial picture.
To be good with money, we need to have a simple, clean, and readily-available view of everything. Financial awareness leads to better financial decisions. Personally, I have checking accounts at one bank, a mortgage at another, investment accounts held at TD Ameritrade, and my wife’s 401(k) is held at Fidelity. Why, in the 21st century, is it such a tedious chore to collect all this information!
Data Aggregation to the rescue!
It may sound boring, but this technology has been a life saver for me. A data aggregator is a secure software platform designed to pull all of this important financial data into one place for you. Imagine one screen that shows current bank balances, loan amounts, and investment amounts. See a snapshot of your net-worth and even spending habits. Within 15 minutes, I was able to link all of my financial accounts.