Free Tool to Pull All Your Financial Data Together

If you’re like me, you want to simplify your life. We have busy schedules, complex relationships, never-ending task lists, and financial data scattered all over the place. I might not be able to help you simplify your schedule, but I think you’ll love the new tool we just made available to you for free. It will simplify your finances and give you clarity of your overall financial picture.

To be good with money, we need to have a simple, clean, and readily-available view of everything. Financial awareness leads to better financial decisions. Personally, I have checking accounts at one bank, a mortgage at another, investment accounts held at TD Ameritrade, and my wife’s 401(k) is held at Fidelity. Why, in the 21st century, is it such a tedious chore to collect all this information!

Data Aggregation to the rescue!

It may sound boring, but this technology has been a life saver for me.  A data aggregator is a secure software platform designed to pull all of this important financial data into one place for you. Imagine one screen that shows current bank balances, loan amounts, and investment amounts. See a snapshot of your net-worth and even spending habits. Within 15 minutes, I was able to link all of my financial accounts.

See how it works:

What About Security?

When it comes to your personal information, you need to be cautious. Identity theft is a huge problem these days, and you need to protect yourself. The software we use has a long list of nerdy encryption technologies they use to ensure your data remains private:

  • Data transmission uses encrypted, industry-standard HTTPS
  • The HTTPS implementation is rated A+ by independent Qualys SSL Labs
  • SSL certificate uses 2048-bit asymmetric and 256-bit symmetric encryption
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is used to ensure only secure connections can be used for our website. The website is accepted by and built into Google Chrome, Safari, IE 11, Edge, and Firefox for this purpose.
  • Servers take advantage of Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) to protect data transmission for modern web browsers. With forward secrecy, all past communication confidentiality is maintained even when a long-term secret key is compromised.
  • Data is encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard 256. AES-256 is an encryption algorithm established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and approved by the NSA for top-secret information.
  • For encryption purpose, they source true random numbers from a scientific device which measures the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum.

Beyond Data Aggregation

You can use this software just to aggregate your financial data, or it can also be used to provide advanced retirement planning, college savings needs, and tax planning. To unlock those additional features, contact your advisor. Don’t have an adivsor at StrongTower yet? Consider scheduling a “Discovery Meeting” to see how we can help your family.

Ready to try it out?

Watch the video to the right to see a demo walk-through or click the button below to get started!

After you have setup your account, be sure to download the smartphone app to make access to your financial data even easier!
